My End of Year Giving Tuesday Fundraising Page
Andrea Rodgers
Andrea Rodgers
Hello friends and family!
It's hard to believe it is already that time of year to express our gratitude and appreciation for everyone and everything we hold dear in this world. This year I am honoring my thirteen-year-old daughter, Vivi. After the election, Vivi wondered why adults don't seem to vote for the issues that matter most to kids like her. Her question illustrated just how vital it is that we work to protect our fundamental freedoms in courts and communities. Her question also reminded me why I choose to work at Our Children’s Trust.
2024 was extraordinary year for my team at Our Children's Trust. We resolved our case in Hawai`i on behalf of 13 extraordinary young plaintiffs, with an unprecedented settlement agreement committing the state to achieve zero emissions in transportation by 2045. We argued on behalf of children in the Montana and Utah Supreme Courts, and in Alaska, Virginia, and European courts. We just filed another case on behalf of youth in Florida, we are briefing Juliana v. U.S. in the U.S. Supreme Court, and headed to trial in Canada in 2026. In short, because of the leadership, vision, and yes frustrations, of young people like Vivi, much progress is being made in securing our climate rights. I’m proud to be part of the Our Children’s Trust team, which represents and empowers young people as they fight for their fundamental right to a healthy and safe climate – for all of us.
Please consider donating to my fundraising page in honor of Vivi and join us in supporting youth around the world as they forge their own futures by protecting the people and places that they love. Every gift helps!
It's hard to believe it is already that time of year to express our gratitude and appreciation for everyone and everything we hold dear in this world. This year I am honoring my thirteen-year-old daughter, Vivi. After the election, Vivi wondered why adults don't seem to vote for the issues that matter most to kids like her. Her question illustrated just how vital it is that we work to protect our fundamental freedoms in courts and communities. Her question also reminded me why I choose to work at Our Children’s Trust.
2024 was extraordinary year for my team at Our Children's Trust. We resolved our case in Hawai`i on behalf of 13 extraordinary young plaintiffs, with an unprecedented settlement agreement committing the state to achieve zero emissions in transportation by 2045. We argued on behalf of children in the Montana and Utah Supreme Courts, and in Alaska, Virginia, and European courts. We just filed another case on behalf of youth in Florida, we are briefing Juliana v. U.S. in the U.S. Supreme Court, and headed to trial in Canada in 2026. In short, because of the leadership, vision, and yes frustrations, of young people like Vivi, much progress is being made in securing our climate rights. I’m proud to be part of the Our Children’s Trust team, which represents and empowers young people as they fight for their fundamental right to a healthy and safe climate – for all of us.
Please consider donating to my fundraising page in honor of Vivi and join us in supporting youth around the world as they forge their own futures by protecting the people and places that they love. Every gift helps!