Build Youth Power. Fund the Future With Me!
Emily G
Our democracy was built on three branches of government because its framers knew: as the world continued to shift around us, and as our lives and consciousness grew and changed, we'd need the courts to interpret their original ideas about our rights and hold our government accountable.
Throughout history, we've activated the courts to define, interpret, and enforce our rights, protecting historically oppressed people and communities. Decades of strategic litigation, in concert with community organizing, direct action, advocacy and policy have made real change in previously intractable areas - slavery, suffrage, reproductive rights, marriage equality. Of course that work will never be done, and requires still constant vigilance and continued action - now more than ever.
Today, the climate crisis poses an unprecedented threat to every human and constitutional right that promises our freedom. And our governments are both the biggest drivers of it, and the only ones whose action could stop it. There is no life without breathable air. There is no liberty without the prospect of a safe and happy future.
Children, most impacted, are also without the voting or economic power to protect themselves from this government action that threatens their lives and futures. Heat and smoke incapacitate children's organs, stunt their growth, and hurt their bodies and brains. Fires and floods destroy their homes and food sources, and erase their cultural practices and traditions.
The climate crisis is the, worldwide children's rights issue of our life times.
That's why Our Children's Trust is building youth power to secure children and future generations' climate rights.
We are elevating their voices, as they assert their climate rights in courts around the world. And they're winning.
In Hawai'i, last June youth secured a first-of-its-kind settlement agreement with the State and Department of Transportation to achieve the first, statewide, zero emissions transportation system by 2045.
Last WEEK, youth won a 6:1 verdict in the Montana Supreme Court, securing the recognition of children's rights to a clean and healthful environment.
As we look to a New Year and administration, there's a lot we could fear. But that would be a waste of time, because our democracy was built precisely for moments just like this. When unprecedented dark power would be wielded against the people for monied interests.
Young people across the country and around the world are ready to fight. We need to have their backs, because we CAN win, in the courts. That's what they're there for.
And that's why I'm asking you to join me and Fund the Future by investing in THEM, today.